Your 2023 Glow-Up Plan

Why planning to create your best year DOES NOT have to happen before New Years.

If you’ve been stressing that you don’t have your 2023 goals set, know firstly, you’re not alone, and secondly, that it’s okay!! Maybe you’ve had a rough start to the year, are taking more time to slow down before planning the new year, or just have been too busy and haven’t had the time that you want to take to sit down and plan it all out. Whatever it may be, creating your goals and planning your dream life does not have to happen before the new year begins and here is why:

Setting goals and plans should not be rushed! To be thorough and take the time, you need to fully think through creating your dream life, and this shouldn’t be rushed or pressured by others to complete them before the year begins.

Self-growth and development might need to occur before you set your yearly goals. Not all of us know what we want from life or even from the next year, so being able to take the time to focus on your self-growth first, discovering yourself before you plan out the things you want to achieve.

That being said, if you are ready to sit down and take some time to plan out your year, here is The Health Cafe’s Glow-Up Plan for 2023!

How to visualize your best year:

A vision board:

Create a mood for 2023. What do you want the year to look like? Maybe you have one word that embodies your vision for this year, maybe you have a few goals both specific and general, that you want to put into images on this board. This is a drill in creativity, express what you want for the year in however many ways you want, images, words, drawings, it can be a digital or physical vision board.


Creating a vision for your life and setting goals that align with this vision is one of the best strategies for achieving the life of your dreams. Many people never get what the desire simply because they are unsure of what they really want. Having clear-cut goals and a crystal vision will help guide you to taking actionable steps towards becoming the person you want and getting that life of your dreams.

Ask yourself what you want to accomplish this year, in 5 years and in 10 years. Then, center your goals around steps that will help you progress towards whatever it is that you want to accomplish. What is fulfilling and the most compelling to you? Write it down, and focus on what it is that you really want, not what’s expected from you.

When setting yearly goals, be both realisitc and brutally honest with yourself. Achieving your goals is also a reflection of the effort you put in, how hard you are willing to work and push yourself to do whatever needs to be done to achieve said goal.

Journal prompts for reflection and vision setting:

  • What was my most significant achievement in 2022?

  • What was the biggest challenge I faced in 2022?

  • Favourite memory from 2022?

  • Lessons or skills learnt

  • 3 things I’m grateful for

  • How would I describe myself a year ago?

  • How would I describe myself now?

  • What’s changed, how did I grow?

  • What would I like to have more of in 2023?

  • What does my ideal life look like?

  • What do I want to accomplish this year?

Overall tips to creating your vision:

Don’t be afraid to think BIG, give yourself permission to dream and create big goals. Focus on things that you want and not things that you don’t want and ask yourself why these things? Why are they important and why do they matter to you?

We hope you crush your all goals this year, keep glowing & growing in 2023!


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